Solitude and Bolero

ON SOLITUDE AND THE MUSIC TO GO WITH IT – On an overcast day, which in political terms is so much brighter, I am playing a piece of music  called…

The Guiding Star : My Uncle Jawwad

 Qazipurian Family Memoirs Articles written in Urdu have been translated by Usama Khalidi Memories of Janab Moinuddin Hasan Jawwad,  cherished for more than 60 years by his brothers, his late…

Colliding Cultures

By Usama Khalidi | A childhood friend Hariz and I met in our hometown after several decades spent  overseas in our respective lives, when he told me how he had…

The Ahsan Family

Ikram Ahsan in his teenage was known to be a prankster among his large number of friends in his Mallepally neighborhood of Hyderabad. One day, he led a team of…

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